World Health Day 2019 – Balloon Run

Promoting public awareness on healthy lifestyle in conjunction with World Health Day 2019.

JOHOR, 13 APRIL 2019 — Regency Specialist Hospital (Regency) celebrated World Health Day by organizing a 6km Balloon Run to advocate on preventive healthcare and wellness through healthy lifestyle.

Various health activities were planned such as free health check-up, blood donation, fitness exercise, healthy cooking demonstration, colouring competition and health exhibition on health information for ages were set up to encourage more public healthcare knowledge.

Serena Yong (杨美力), Chief Executive Officer of Regency Specialist Hospital said, “Health for all. This is a good platform to encourage the public to practice healthy lifestyle. Stay physically active and know your health condition through regular screening is important.”

She added that in Regency has set up a support group called, ROSE which stands for Regency Outreach Social Engagement to raise the public awareness on the importance of health screening and early detection. This is an ongoing effort to raise the bar on the social outreach program.

Flagging off at 8am, the runners with colourful balloon took the route within Bandar Seri Alam. With approximately 2 hours to complete, the marathon ended at its starting point; Regency Specialist Hospital. Together with the fitness exercise, an estimated 650 pax were seen participating.

Adding on, she said, “We understand the variety of needs among the community so we have developed more than 15 health screening packages to suit the public regardless of the gender, age and also the condition.”
She concluded that, “It is better to understand our health condition to take good care of ourselves in a wider concern. Prevention is better than cure.”

Source: The Iskandarian

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