Requirements / pre-admission

  • Adhere to doctor’s recommendation to admit for further treatment
  • Discuss your concerns with doctor(s)
  • With your consent to be admitted, doctor and staff will proceed to the admission process
  • If you are undergoing a surgery:
    1. 1Arrive at least 3 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time or per doctor’s advice
    2. 2Do not eat or drink from the date and time as instructed by the doctor


  • Register at Admission & Registration Counter at Ground Floor with the following documents:
    1. 1Your identification card / passport or your child’s birth certificate / MyKid if under 12 years old
    2. 2If your child is being admitted, guarantor’s identification card / passport (the guarantor has to be 21 years old and above at the time of admission)
    3. 3Admission notice from your doctor
    4. 4Consultation with psychologists or psychiatrists
  • Fill-up:
    • Admission Counselling Form
    • Financial Counselling Form
    • Consent Form
  • A minimum estimated deposit is required for medical case:
    • General ward – RM2,000
    • Intensive Care Unit (ICU) – RM5,000
  • Full amount of estimated cost is required for surgical case

For general ward, you can choose the room type (subject to availability).

A complimentary admission kit with basic toiletries will be given to you. Our staff will bring you for necessary screening or to the ward after admission process has completed.

During your stay

  • Our nurse will:
    1. 1Provide you with an identification bracelet
    2. 2Conduct an initial assessment
    3. 3Brief on admission orientation
  • Our nurses will update you from time to time for the upcoming procedure

Feel free to approach our staff at the Nurse Counter or simply press the call bell should you have any concerns during your stay. It’s a complimentary service.

To safeguard your health planning, you cannot take any self-medication including herbs and supplements during your admission. All drugs have to be provided by the hospital.


  • Once the doctor has assessed that you are medically fit for discharge, kindly allow 2 hours for the processing of the final bill
  • When the bill is ready, kindly make payment at:
    • Office hours – Discharge Lounge at 2nd Floor
    • After office hours – Payment Counter at Accident & Emergency
  • After payment please do the following in sequence:
    1. 1Return the Discharge Notice to our Nurse Counter in the ward
    2. 2Get your branula removed by our nurse
    3. 3Receive the x-ray, laboratory report and appointment card from the attending nurse, should there be any necessary follow-up
    4. 4Collect all of your belongings and valuables in your room
    5. 5Obtain the prescribed medications (if any) from the Pharmacy Counter and ensure you understand the instructions regarding its usage and dosage

If you choose to stay longer, there will be additional charges a full day room rate if you leave after 12pm.

The ward clerks will inform patients when the bill is ready to be settled.

Home / follow-up

For your safety, it is strongly advisable that you have a relative or friend to send you home.

Remember to come back for follow-up visit at your doctor’s private clinic.

Have question?
Get in touch with Regency