
At Regency Specialist Hospital’s Chemotherapy Day Care, we are committed to providing an all-encompassing and effective chemotherapeutic treatment for patients diagnosed with various types of cancers and blood disorders.

The day care centre also houses Chemotherapy Drug Reconstitution Room, where pharmacists begin the preparation of chemo-drugs for patients.

Services offered


A type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy fast growing cancer cells.

Hormone therapy

A type of cancer treatment that slows or stops the growth of cancer that uses hormones to grow.

Immuno therapy

A type of cancer treatment that boosts the natural defenses in your body to fight cancer.

Palliative care

To provide care and relief from chronic illness symptoms.

Specialist doctors

Contact info


Location: 1st Floor


Telephone: +60 7-381 7700 Ext 5300 / +60 7-381 7700 Ext 5313


Operating Hours:
Min – Jum: 8:00 pagi – 5:00 sore

Hari Libur Umum: Tutup

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Other clinical services

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