Improving your memory

Everyone has moments where they forget about both important and unimportant things once in a while, especially when life gets busy. While this can be normal, having poor memory can be frustrating too. Genetic disease such as Alzheimer’s is a serious neurological condition where one will have memory loss. However, research has also shown that diet and lifestyle have a major impact on memory too.

5 ways to improve your memory

  1. 1Eat a brain-boosting diet
    Eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones can be an effective strategy for powering your brain. Your body needs to function properly especially the brain as well. A brain-boosting diet can keep you fit and healthy for life.

    Examples of the diets that can help you are:
    • The Mediterranean diet
      Which is based on an intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, healthy fats - such as olive oil, nuts and fish - and lean protein. The consumption of extra-virgin olive oil has been found to protect memory and learning ability as well as safeguard against cognitive decline.
    • Ketogenic diet
      It’s a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet. Drastically reducing your intake of carbohydrates and replacing them with fat puts your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketosis increases your body’s efficiency in burning fat for energy and creates ketones from fat in the liver, which supplies energy to the brain. Recent research has revealed that the ketogenic diet improves memory and preserves brain function.
    • Memory-improving foods
      Reducing processed foods and avoiding trans fats and sugar, and eating healthful fats will help to fuel your brain and memory.

      Here are some foods that recent research has hailed as memory boosters:
      • Walnut
      • Blueberry concentrate
      • Lutein
      • Avocado
      • Cocoa and chocolate
      • Caffeine
      • Cinnamon
      • Peppermint tea
  2. 2Get physically active
    It is important to keep active to keep your memory sharp. Exercise increases oxygen levels in your brain, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (which may lead to memory loss), decreases levels of hormones, and increases the effect of helpful brain chemicals.
  3. 3Have a good night's sleep
    Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain physical and maintain physical and mental health. Sleep helps to solidify and consolidate short-term memory to long-term memory. People tend to improve information retention and perform better in memory tests after sleep.
  4. 4Give your brain a workout
    Brain-training programs do not appear to strengthen memory, intelligence, or cognitive abilities. However, there are techniques you can use to help you learn to encode and recall important information, and these are called mnemonic devices. The more you exercise your brain, the easier you will find it to process and remember information.
  5. 5Kick back and relax
    Over time, stress can destroy brain cells, damages the hippocampus, and is linked with memory loss. Therefore, managing stress can be one of the best ways to protect your memory.

There are many simple and delicious ways to improve your memory. From exercising your mind and body to enjoying a piece of dark chocolate, these are all excellent techniques. Your daily habits influence how well your brain works. Try all the tips above out and see how your memory improves day by day!

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