Active at home

The working-from-home culture is normal since the covid pandemic hit the entire world and it’s no secret that although it has numerous benefits, there are also a few potential problems that come with it.

When you’re working from home, your work is done while sitting at the computer or on the phone, which means you can end up staying in one spot for a long time. Without simple movements like walking to the meeting room, or going out for lunch, all this can lead to an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle.

Tips to be active at home

So, to help you to keep active while working from home, here are 10 tips on how to keep yourself active at home:

  1. 1Keep exercise equipment nearby you
    You can set time to walk around the house or climb the stairs, but it’s also helpful to leave hand weights, resistance bands, exercise mats, pushup bars and chairs readily visible. This way, you can pick up the weight during your quick break and frequently build strength for a few minutes at a time when you leave your laptop.
  2. 2Develop a daily rhythm
    Everyone knows that habits and rituals are important and very powerful behavioural practices that can keep you on track. By creating regular rituals for yourself when working from home, you can set a consistent wake-up time, and schedule your work and break time. Use a health app to remind you when to get moving.
  3. 3Get up or move around to get your food
    Ordering something to eat via an app is easier and saves time but try to make a habit of cooking your meals. With this, you’re not only able to watch out for your diet, but also burn some calories by moving and doing the work.
  4. 4Block your calendar for 15 minutes break every 2 hours
    When you’re in the office, it’s easier to get a quick coffee break. But when you’re working virtually online, you might feel guilty over taking breaks, as you are concerned about what other people might think and that you are not working. Schedule your breaks in the calendar so that your colleagues know that you’re having a much needed quick break!
  5. 5Take a conference call while walking around the house
    Not only does moving feels good, but it also creates greater blood flow, which helps in thinking. It also engages the lymph nodes, which relaxes us. Try at least one conference call (without video) while taking a gentle walk around the house or outside.
  6. 6Schedule face-to-face meetings 1-2 times a week
    Working from home can be isolating. The discipline of being one-on-one will keeps you sharp. At home, work may protect you from a lot of distractions,but it also can make you feel alone and isolated at times. By scheduling face-to-face lunches and small group meetings every week, you can keep it balanced and make your remote work beneficial.
  7. 7Disrupt yourself to concentrate more
    Most of the time, we can get too absorbed and focused on the work that we forgot to move around for hours. Disrupt yourself! Set an alarm for every 25 or 55 minutes. When the alarm goes off, get up and do something different such as a brief walk around the house, talk to a friend or quick coffee/tea break.
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